Sunday, November 23, 2008

No Blog Award

So, I haven't posted in a while and I have no good excuse other than I have been really busy. Well, busy for me... Anyway, I know I will not win Blogger of the Year.
If anyone reads this blog, I apologize for my absence and writing neglect.

I've still been training and things are going okay. I've had some familiar glute and groin pains come back that I had a year ago. I can't be 100% positive, but I think it is related to doing S-phase eye drills. That, or old memories from the past created old pains from the past. I think both are plausible...

Anyway, still trying to progress with my training. And it has been looking like this:

Presses w/ 40kg: 1/1, 2/2, 2/2, 1/1, 2/2, 3/3!, 1/1, 2/2, 1/1
Pull-ups w/ 24kg: 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5
Goblet squats w/ 40kg: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Lots of I-phase drills throughout the day w/ eyes left!

Snatches w/ 24kg: 10/10 x 10 = 200
LCCJ w/ 2*16kg: 15 x 5 --> Jerks x 20

I-phase in am, R-phase in pm. Both w/ eyes left. Practiced S-phase drills.

TGU w/ 24kg: 4/4 --> w/ 32kg: 3/3, 4/4, 4/4
Bent Press w/ 40kg: 3/3, 4/4, 3/3, 4/4
Romanian DL w/ 40kg: 5, 5, 5, 5
Good Mornings w/ 24kg on back: 3, 3, 3

So, training is going okay. I plan to taper it back after Thanksgiving. I've got S-phase the week after! Good times to come....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OMG, PR for Me

Well, my light week ended and I was back at it this week. (my week's are not necessarily the same as everyone elses...) Anyway, I hit a first time PR a few days ago, and another today; sorta.

Snatches w/ 24kg: 20/20/15/15/15/15/10/10 = 120 without ever putting the bell down or stopping! And, they felt solid. However, when I did put the bell down, i could feel it...
LCCJ w/ 2*16kg: 15 x 4 --> C&J x 15
I was whooped.


TGU w/ 24kg: 3/3 --> w/ 32kg: 3/3, 3/3, 3/3
Bent Press w/ 40kg: 2/2 x 5
Pistols w/ 16kg: 2/2 x 5
DL w/ 165lbs: 5 x 4

R-phase w/ S-phase prep

VO2 max w/ 16kg: 30 sets of 8
LCCJ w/ 2*24kg: 10 x 5

R-phase w/ S-phase prep

C&P w/ 40kg: 1/1, 2/2, 1/1 x 3 rounds (never pressed more than 2 times in a session before. Today, i trained with it!)
Pull-ups w/ 24kg: 2, 3, 4 x 3 rounds
Windmills w/ 32kg: 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
DL w/ 170lbs: 5 x 4

Thats it. Training well and feeling good!